Tuesday, July 04, 2006
aloha people ~the people who made this blog possible:[ * Hanafi * ][ * Vanessa * ][ * Jolene * ][ * Alex * ] the reason we made this blog:to hope that we can be able to promote glove puppetry (:that simple (:haha...lols....this webbie is meant for IPW....we hope to change the thinkin' of people that glove puppetry is jux plainBORING!!nope...its not boring....it teaches us important values instead....so if you still hate it after us wasting our saliva talking to you...then FORGET IT !! ......if you wanna voice out your views....feel free to do so....no vulgar language please....lols...WE WANT TO CHANGE GLOVE PUPPETRY !!that's our theme...sort of... :)how about....using pop music for the background instead of opera troupes?or animal like glove puppets instead of human like ones?what do you think?that's what we wanna know....tell us....voice out your views....we want to hear from you....from the troupe of twilights....syonara.... :)
3:29 AM
ellos people (:this is a project work blog (:so it's just for work usebla bla blaand it goes on (:
12:50 AM
the GREAT-S (:
Leader: Hanafi
Members: Vanessa,Jolene,Alex
School: NorthVIEW Sec
we're all born on 1992 (:
doing on GLOVE PUPPETRY (: